December 10, 2015, Students and staff safe during lock-down

Dear Monroe Families,
Today, December 10, 2015, Monroe experienced a lock-down. Police searched the campus and surrounding areas to make sure students were safe after a car theft in the area. One juvenile came on campus. She was quickly taken to the office and taken by the police. All suspects were apprehended and are in custody.
Students and staff were calm and cooperative during the lock-down, and police soon cleared the campus to return to normal school routines.
Our school counselor will be on campus tomorrow to talk to classes and students about the experience.
If your child is experiencing anxiety, please let the school know, since we will have additional counselors and school psychologists on site to support our students.
Monroe is appreciative of all of the help that was provided by the Monrovia Police Department, District Office Staff, and parent volunteers.


Hoy la escuela Monroe tuvo que estar en sierre de emergencia. Todo fue resuelto rápidamente, la policía registró la escuela y sus alrededores para asegurarse de que los estudiantes estaban a salvo después de un robo de automóvil en la zona.

Los consejeros estarán en la escuela mañana para hablar con los estudiantes acerca de lo sucedido. Si su hijo está teniendo ansiedad, por favor hágamelo saber, ya que tendremos consejeros adicionales y psicólogos en la escuela para apoyar a nuestros estudiantes.

Si tiene preguntas sobre este mensaje favor de llamar a la oficina at 626-471-2300.

Resources for parents:
Helping Children Cope with Crisis: Care for Caregivers – Brief Facts and Tips