School Programs » Village Before and After School Program

Village Before and After School Program

Monroe's Village Extended School Programs


The Monroe Village Program has provided a safe and loving environment for our Mighty Lions. The program hours based on current information are as follows:


Before School Program:      6:25 AM to 7:55 AM daily

After School Program:         School dismissal until 6 PM daily


The activities your child will be having are as follows:


  • Enjoy supper and a nutritious snack each day.
  • Receive homework assistance from Mondays to Thursdays.
  • Learn through engaging enrichment activities like art, coding, fun fitness, music, reading, and science throughout the week.
  • Build and strengthen his/her character to be kind, polite, and perseverant.
  • Cultivate his/her social skills.
  • Engage in training to be a helper and a youth leader. 


Registration Information 


Registration for Existing Families: 


Enrollment into the Village Extended School Program is guaranteed for existing Village families as long as they register during the Priority Registration window, and the family is in good standing with the Village Program. Priority Registration for the school year begins June 1st and continues until June 14th. Existing families who are not in good standing may still register for the Village Program, but will be placed on the waiting list until the obligation is met.


New Families: 


Families not currently enrolled in the Village Program who wish to register a child for the school year for the Before or After School Programs will register during Open Registration. Open Registration starts on June 15th, and will continue throughout the year. New families will be enrolled in the Village Program based on available space and will be on a first-come, first-serve basis.


Waiting lists: 


Waitlists will be created for each Village site for existing families who do not register during Priority Registration and/or have outstanding Village obligations. Additionally, new families who register after all available spaces are taken will be placed on a waitlist until there is room in the program. The Village office staff will notify families on the waitlist once they are enrolled in the program.


EZ ChildTrack Information: 


The Village Program Registration will be an online registration through the EZ Childtrack Parent Portal. Once Priority Registration begins, an EZ ChildTrack Quick Start Guide can be obtained from the Site Manager or Village Office to help with questions about the registration process. Additionally, the Quick Start Guide can be printed by clicking here.


Please note: Students currently enrolled in the program are required to re-register each year and are not automatically re-enrolled into the Village Program.


Registration Link: 


Existing families and new families, please use the following link to register for the Village Program's Before or After School Programs:


Registration and Enrollment questions? Please call the Village office at (626) 471-3083. You can also email the Village Office at [email protected].


For questions regarding the Monroe Village Program, please call Ms. Valadez at (626) 255-7139 from 9 AM to 5 PM or by email at [email protected].