Student Drop-Off and Pick-Up
Monroe Elementary School
Drop-off, Pick-up Traffic, and Safety Information
The safety of our students is the most important responsibility that our school staff and families have. The Monrovia Police Department, City of Monrovia, Monroe parents, and school district personnel have devised a plan that is designed to improve the flow of traffic around our school, and help secure the safety of students during drop-off and pick-up times at Monroe. Please help us by following the guidelines listed below. If you have questions, please call our school office (626) 471-2300. We will be happy to help.
- All gates will be locked at 8:00. Students who arrive later than 8:00 must enter through the front door (Star A) and check in at the office.
- Walkers may enter the school through the following gates: B, C, and D on the map. The campus opens at 7:25, and school begins at 7:55. Walkers may also enter through the front door (gate A).
- Parking is very limited around the school, so please allow time to park and walk your students to the gate. Parking and leaving your car is not allowed in the drop-off lane or in bus loading zones.
- The carline drop-off lane begins on Colorado Blvd. in front of the school. Please enter the lane from Colorado east-bound, and not from any other direction.
- Please have students remain in their seats in your car until you reach our staff member, who will help your child safely exit and walk to gate B.
- Kindergarteners will be escorted to the kindergarten yard or to the cafeteria for breakfast.
- After dropping your child off, please exit the lane by driving straight on Alta Vista or turning left on Olive. Do not turn right onto Olive.
- U-turns and double parking are not allowed on any street around Monroe school and is a violation of California Motor Vehicle Code. The school is not responsible for such violations.
- Kindergarten students should be picked up at the gate closest to the kindergarten classrooms, gate E.
- First grade students should be picked up at gate D.
- Second and third grade students should be picked up at gate E.
- Fourth and Fifth grade students should be picked up at gates C and D
- If you want to use the pick-up lane, please stay in your car and drive up to gate B. Our staff members will help your child get to the car. You must let the teacher know if you plan to use the pick-up lane. It might help to have a sign with your child’s name on it, so our staff knows who to bring to you.
A map of the drop-off and pick-up lane and gates is posted below.
If you have questions, concerns, or ideas, please let us know. We are looking forward to a fabulous school year!