Donate a Birthday Book
Happy Birthday!
Have you heard about Monroe’s Birthday Book Program?
Celebrate your child’s birthday by purchasing a hard cover book to donate to the school’s library in their honor.
We will put your child’s name on a bookplate on the front of the book that is donated. His/her name will also be proudly displayed in the library on the Birthday Book Tree bulletin board. We will also deliver a special “birthday thank you” to his/her classroom to honor their donation.
You can choose a copy of your child’s favorite book or select a book from our suggestion list below.
Don’t worry about duplicate copies; it is great to have more books available for our students to enjoy.
If you are interested, please fill out the attached information sheet, place it inside the book, and send it back to your child’s teacher.
Thank You!!
Attention Teachers:
Please forward this book to Ms. Sandoval in the library.
Child’s Name:
Title of Book Donated:
Teacher’s Name and Room Number:
Book Suggestions
Book Suggestions for Birthday Book Donation