Parents » Preparing for Kindergarten

Preparing for Kindergarten

Kindergarten Readiness

The following are skills that teachers hope a kindergartner can do when she/he enters school:
  • Say his/her fist and last names
  • Recognize (read) his/her own name
  • Write his/her fist name
  • Count to 20
  • Recognize the numerals 1 – 10
  • Identify geometric shapes
  • Know 8 basic colors 
  • Stay on task for 10 minutes 
  • Sit quietly to listen to a story 
  • Follow two-step directions 
  • Initiate and sustain play with peers 
  • Manage his / her work space and tools 
  • Verbally express needs (bathroom, drink, pencil, etc.)
  • Speak in complete sentences 
  • Verbally and appropriately respond to a topic 
  • Dress himself / herself 
  • Buckle, button, and zip clothes 
  • Tie own shoelaces 
  • Tend to personal bathroom needs