School Programs » Academic Programs

Academic Programs

Academic Programs

The students at Monroe Elementary School are held to high expectations for scholastic achievement.  Our teaching staff boasts an average of 20 years teaching experience.  
English Language Development Program - We offer individualized ELD instruction for every level, from Early Newcomers (beginning English) to Advanced.  
Gifted and Talented Education "Between-the-Bells" - GATE students at Monroe Elementary are not only encouraged to participate in after-school GATE enrichment classes, they are challenged daily in their homeroom classes.  GATE students are clustered in groups of at least eight students, whenever possible. 
Resource Specialist Program (RSP) - Students who qualify for resource assistance are instructed during the school day by Mrs. Trujillo, according to the hours specified in their IEPs.    
Speech and Language - Students who qualify for speech and language assistance are instructed by our speech and language specialist, according to the hours specified in their IEPs.