Pali Institute for Incoming 5th Grade Students

Dear Mighty Parents of a current 4th grade student… Your student has an exciting opportunity to attend the Pali Institute next year as 5th grader. This is an overnight experience that will take place Monday, September 17th through Wednesday, September 19th. The $330 cost includes tuition, lodging, bus transportation, and 24 hour a day supervision on Pali's gated and secure campus in Running Springs, California. All instructors have bachelor's degrees and possess a variety of science and teaching credentials. Deposits for this education based adventure are due by June 4th. Students do not have to be in the GATE program to attend, every incoming 5th grade is invited!

Please see the flyer that went home with your student for more information. We ask that you let us know if your child is interested in attending or not. Please fill out the form and return to your child's teacher this week. If you would like more information, or want to discuss the financial obligation and timeline, please email Cissie.Andrews at [email protected]. Thank you.
El proximo ano, Su estudiante tiene una gran oportunidad de asistir al el intituto de Pali que es un campamento de ciencia a el aire libre. Esta sera una oportunidad de campar en la escuela Pali el 17 de septiembre asta el 19 de septiembre. El costo por alumno ser $330 dolares y incluye, el registro, el alojamiento, y la transportacion. El campamento de Pali es un campo escolar de ciencia en Running Springs, CA donde todos los maestros tienen bachierato y credenciales para instruir sobre la ciensia. Los depositos para paraparticiapar se tienen que hacer antes de el 3 de junio. Y todos los alumnos de Quinto grado, el proximo ano son eligiblres. El foyeto ya fue mandado en las carpetas verdes. Porfavor comuniquenos si piensa mandar a su hijo el proximo ano, y regreselo a la escuela antes de este Viernes. Si nesesita mas informacion por favor mande un correo electronic a [email protected] oh a la maestra de alumno. Gracias.