The Impact of Absences on the Student Budget
Please take a moment to read about the impact of student absences...
We understand that from time to time, emergencies and illnesses occur, and for these reasons, students must be absent. Today, January 31, 2020, 36 students were absent from school. This resulted in an unfortunate loss of approximately $2,400. Over time, this money adds up. Taking this daily average over the school days in the month of January 2020 has resulted in the loss of approximately $43,000--- just in January alone! This money could go to funding specialty enrichment programs, like the fine arts, and additional staff to support the learning of the students at Monroe-- like instructional assistants for the classroom. Please make sure you bring your child to school each day and only keep them home in emergency and illness situations!
Se entiende que de vez en cuando ocurren emergencias y enfermedades, y por estas razones los estudiantes deben estar ausentes de la escuela. Hoy 36 alumnos estuvieron ausentes y resultó en una pérdida de aproximadamente $2,400. Al pasar el tiempo esta pérdida de dinero se acumula. Tomando este promedio durante los dias escolares en el mes de enero, a resultó en una pérdida de aproximadamente $ 43,000--- solo en el mes de enero. Este dinero podría financiar programas educativos, como las artes bellas, y personal adicional para apoyar el aprendizaje de los estudiantes en Monroe-- como asistentes de maestros en los salones. Por favor traiga a su hijo a la escuela todos los días!